This week’s reading was about Anna Halprin’s RSVP Cycles. RSVP is an initialisation for what the four components of the cycle are.
- R = Resources = the most basic materials we have at our disposal. These include human and physical resources and their motivation and aims.
- S = Scores = the word is derived from its original use in music which makes it possible to instruct groups of people to carry out prescribed activities. They delineate place, time space and people, as well as sound and other related elements.
- V = Valuation = a coined term meaning ‘the value of the action’ or the analysis, appreciation, feedback, value building and decision making that accompanies the process of creation.
- P = Performance = the implementation of the scores which includes the particular style of the piece.
In this reading I also found that Halprin makes some interesting points about scores, she says that “scores act as a starting point to stimulate and channel the groups expression in the direction of an overall intention but without determining the end result” (Halprin with Stinson in Worth and Poyner, 2004, 122) so when creating a score we shouldn’t necessarily think about how we want it to look, we should focus on how we want it to go which regard to the instructions we use/give and resources we have available. Halprin also says that “each score needs to have a personal meaning for the participant, but the dance as a whole must have a universal meaning for the witness and group as well” (Halprin with Stinson in Worth and Poyner, 2004, 122) which is useful to us when creating because it makes us think about how our score will be interpreted by the participants and the people watching, so if we think something could be interpreted differently to how we want it to be interpreted we can make the appropriate changes or alter a certain instruction.